Welcome! Welcome ... thrice welcome! Enter freely, and of your own will ... .
Yes ... a bit stodgy, I know it is; but it had to be said. A cautionary note. Really. I'm sure Bram wouldn't mind that we borrowed it. Like Dante's 'Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here' or Novalis' 'Where are we really going? Always home.' Always home ... don't mind me; I'm an old man; my mind wanders; I prattle ever onward ... . No matter. Hello. Welcome. How are you? ... yes, I saw you outside. I was watching you through the window. You were standing by the Chairs of the Nine Unknown Men -- admiring them, I think. They are the secret rulers of the world, you know <?> or, at least, they seem to think so ... yes, yes, and I know there are only six chairs --> <-- but you know how hard it is to assemble their full complement in a given location at any given time? I'm sure you realize how difficult it is to manipulate the intricacies that machinate a world ... . Can I get you a cup of coffee? MishKar? Is a name, only. Perhaps I made it up. I don't recall ... I know it was born of my first furtive attempts at poetry. Once upon a time. A long, long time ago. In a galaxy ... someplace. I was in high school, and I had determined I should write an epic poem. Something, I thought, to rival John Milton's Paradise Lost -- how I loved that poem. Though ... I must admit, I think I loved the footnotes more; they opened new vistas <or old vistas> to research ... . No matter. I set the poem in a garden, of sorts. A meadow. At the center of a willow forest. There was a stream. A small foot bridge, that lead to a thatched-roofed cottage. I called the meadow, and the forest, and the entire world, then, I believe, MishKar -- Or was that a short piece of fiction I was essaying <?> Can I get you a cup of coffee? MishKar is a library, and an art gallery ... exhibition/performance hall. It opens -- or it should open -- to other sites, rooms, lands, places ... . Nada. It links to its sister galleries It has a gallery all its own -- with some several pictures and artists and, of course, some of my own artwork ... . sketches, inks, coloured pencils ... some photography, perhaps. Works that have appeared or that are linked to other sites -- The Mining Co., for example, or Elfwood ... . And poetry! ... there is poetry here; isn't that what it's all about, afterall? Old poems. New poems. Poems in progress ... or no poems at all --
And we've recently added a lecture hall ... performance center ... main exhibition area for readings --