Owen Morgan

To A Beautiful Lady's Derriere

As I sit here


my problems

you walk past

swinging that

in beautiful motion.

I long to touch

the softness

the sweetness

the warm, hungry flesh

but my thoughts

wander elsewhere

as the mirage fades

into the john.

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In endless


Out-of-State Interstate

Blacktop lane

A jagged edge

Of surging steel

And naked nerves.


Low-lead comet's

Orbital path.

My life,

A whisper in time,

Catapulting through space at

70 miles per hour.

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It was 1959.

I was playing on the floor

in Eisenhower innocence

when the walls began

moaning and vibrating

windows and teeth rattling

we stared frozen in naive fright

as did Japanese citizens

in Nagasaki and Hiroshima

human guinea pigs

of the Heavy Water Project.

Mother said it was

the end of Time

and made the six of us

bathe in preparation

as she did once before

when the full moon glared scarlet

in a hazy atmosphere

(I gave away my comic books

the next day

thinking it was sinful).

But a radio voice informed us

our Air Force had broken

the Sound Barrier

velocity 1100 feet per second

a major accomplishment

placing us light years

ahead of the Russians

in spite of Sputnik

and we should all be proud

even though afterward

we were advised to

discontinue eating snow.

copyright © 1993 Owen Morgan

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